Levante Ferries is an innovative company in the field of Greek coastal shipping, which first activated in the Ionian Sea and especially in the maritime area stretching between Patra, Kyllini, Zakynthos, Kefalonia and Ithaca. Modern ships and advanced land services provide full, sophisticated and high-quality conveniences to passengers and international transport professionals.
The rapid development and establishment of the company were based on experienced crews and executives, the novel approach to coastal shipping issues, and the understanding of the needs of the places we serve.
The safe and comfortable fleet of Levante Ferries consists of five ships: the internationally awarded “Fior di Levante” and three other ships especially dear to the Central Ionian Sea, i.e. “Mare di Levante,” “Andreas Kalvos” and “Kefalonia.” The fifth ship, “Smyrna di Levante,” that has been retrofitted and fully renovated, has been also awarded by Shippax Awards the Shippax Retrofit Award 2023. One more ship, the “Contessa di Levante,” has recently been acquired and is under extensive reconstruction in order to meet the high standards of the company before it set sails for the Ionian Sea, thus raising the bar higher in that area!
Join us in one of our trips!