Shippax Award 2015

The Fior di Levante, the first ship acquired by Levante Ferries, is designed in accordance with the highest standards so that it can ensure that the passengers remain safe and enjoy their voyage even under the harshest weather conditions.
In April 2016, it was awarded as the most beautiful ferry boat in Greece and in the world for 2015, and was honored with the internationally prestigious Shippax Award at the Ferry Shipping Conference held on 13 April 2016 in Stockholm. More specifically, the Fior di Levante was awarded the first prize for its modern exterior and interior design, which reflects the high-quality services and comfort for passengers, its marketability as well as its distinctive company branding (commercial company identity). The award was received by the Head of Levante Ferries, George Theodosis.
Shippax Awards have been held since 1996 and the award committee has always been aware of the latest industry trends and the detailed specifications of all ships participating in the competition. The above features have made Shippax Awards unique and the institution has reasonably been included among the most significant awards at international level in the passenger shipping and cruise sectors.