Terms of Use
The ticket is personal, non-transferable and valid only for the specific trip, itinerary and class it has been issued for.
Buy your ticket in the following ways:
- From the offices of Levante Ferries (280, Thiseos Avenue, 17675, Kallithea, Athens)
- From the agencies of Levante Ferries (click here)
- Through the present website (Web/Mobile), through which you can instantly issue/print or
receive the e-ticket
- From collaborating General Tourist Agencies or Shipping Agencies
- Through call centre +30 210 94 99 400
Neither passenger ticket nor vehicle tickets can be issued on board.
Open Tickets
Open tickets shall not be accepted. Passengers with open tickets should early book their seats for a specific trip. In case the fare is higher on the day the passenger wishes to travel, a supplementary ticket should be issued. In case the new fare is lower, the difference is not returned to the passenger. Open tickets are valid for twelve (12) months from the date of their original issue. Open tickets are not cancelled and no refund can be made.
Passenger List
According to EU Directive 98/41, as incorporated in the Greek legislation through Pres id. Decree 23/1999, the latter as amended and in effect, the following details should follow all passenger ships leaving Greek ports and sailing for over 20 miles from the port of departure: passengers’ surnames, passengers’ first names or initial, sex, age or indication about age class as well as any detail voluntarily provided by the passenger concerning any special care or help the passenger may need.
Up one-booking and/or ticket issuance, the passenger should check the correctness of the details appearing on the ticket (date, time, itinerary, ship, ID details, etc.) and reject it in case of incorrect details.
The ticket may not be transferred without the approval of the shipping company or the ticket issuer.
Upon e-booking or ticket issuance, the passenger should provide accurate ID details, contact number and email address so that they can be informed by the shipping company in case of delay, cancellation of the trip. In case the passenger refuses to provide contact details, the issuer enters the refusal into the Computerized Reservation System.
In case of e-booking,the passengers complete their contact details in the relevant electronic form or tick the option “I do not want to be informed in case of delay of cancellation of the trip.”
Fare – Discounts
Passenger and vehicle tickets should give the total fare, which includes net fare, costs in favour of third parties (fees, deductions) and VAT. The categories of people entitled to fare discounts appear in detail in Ministerial Decision 3324.1/01/13 dated 15/7/2013, as amended and in effect. Upon e-booking and before the ticket is issued, the passengers should inform the issuer about any fare discount they are entitled to by providing the necessary documentation. Children up to 5 years old travel free of charge but their tickets should be booked and issued at zero fare.
The passengers should:
- arrive at the ship half an hour before the scheduled time of departure.
- drive their vehicles to the waiting area 1 hour before the scheduled time of departure.
- display their tickets and necessary documentation in case of discounted fare tickets upon
boarding and ticket control and should take up the respective seat or bed written on the ticket.
- not remain in the ship’s parking areas with the exception of the drivers who are embarking
and disembarking their vehicles.
In case of disabled or physically handicapped passengers, the ticket issuers or the shipping company should be informed about the need for help at the latest forty-eight (48) hours before the help should be provided, while the above passengers should be at a predefined point at a specific time, which should not be prior to sixty (60) minutes before the scheduled time of departure. Moreover, upon booking, the above passengers should inform the shipping company about their special needs for beds and seats as well as the necessary services they may need or their need to bring their own medical equipment on board. In case a passenger with a ticket fails to get on the ship in time (before the scheduled time of departure), they are not entitled to the return of the fare they have paid.
Ships' Routeing
The routes are executed alternately by the ships «Fior di Levante», «Mare di Levante», «Andreas Kalvos», «Kefalonia» and «Smyrna di Levante»
The scheduling of ship routing may change according to the needs of passenger traffic. For further clarifications regarding the scheduling of the ships' routing, passengers can contact us by phone at: +30 210 94 99 400.
Shipping Routes
Shipping routes between the islands operate and are scheduled independently and the company does not guarantee the combined use of route plans.
Every passenger is allowed to carry hand luggage up to 50 kg without paying any additional fare. Apart from their hand luggage, physically handicapped people are also allowed to carry free of charge any equipment or aid required for their autonomous movement, regardless of weight.
As long as luggage is given for safe keeping and a relevant receipt is issued, the shipping company shall be responsible for any damage or loss of the luggage that takes place on board.
Ticket Cancellation
Tickets are cancelled only by travel agencies as long as they have not been modified in the meanwhile and cancellation is impossible through telephone. The body of the ticket should be delivered to the travel agency that issued it at the latest within one month after the request for cancellation.
The following are in effect with regard to the moment of cancellation:
- For cancellations made 14 days before the scheduled day of departure of the ship or earlier, the
overall fare plus costs in favour of third parties and VAT are returned.
- For cancellations made 7 days before the scheduled day of departure of the ship or earlier, 75%
of the fare plus costs in favour of third parties and VAT are returned
- For cancellations made 12 hours before the scheduled day of departure of the ship or
earlier, 50% of the fare plus costs in favour of third parties and VAT are returned
- For cancellations made within 12 hours before the scheduled day of departure of the ship
no money is returned at all.
The above are also in effect in case the ticket is purchased through the website or the call centre of the Partnership in any way and through any means and on condition that the Partnership has been informed in writing or through fax or email. The document through which the passenger requests the cancellation of the ticket should by all means include all booking / ticket details and contact details. Once again, the body of the ticket should be delivered to the Partnership within one month after the request for cancellation. In case of an e-ticket, the electronic file of the ticket should also be attached to the above information mail or fax.
For exceptional reasons and in accordance with Government Gazette 84Α, Article 65, regarding the period between 25 February 2020 and 31 October 2020, by way of derogation from the applicable provisions, the following shall necessarily be in effect:
a) Any claims for refunding the price of ferry tickets, as well as of tickets of international voyages, to passengers that are unable to travel due to the restrictions imposed on movements, or who do not wish to travel due to the uncertainty prevailing because of the pandemic, or due to cancelled services, as long as they are provided for by the national or EU legislation, shall be satisfied by providing the ticket owners with a credit note of a value equal to the price of the ticket of the cancelled service. The credit note shall be issued by the ship owner or the shipping company or the manager (hereinafter the “Transporter”) and shall be valid for eighteen (18) months after the date of the original voyage. Throughout the above period, the beneficiary of the credit note can at any moment use it for any destination included in the transporter’s network. The debt may not become due and payable before the expiration of the credit note. The debt shall become due and payable as long as eighteen (18) months have passed and the credit note has not been used.
b) Case a) shall also apply to contracts of fully chartering commercial pleasure craft of L. 4256/2014 (Α΄ 92), which are signed among: (a) the ship owner, i.e. a natural or legal person, including Pleasure Craft Maritime Companies of L. 3182/2003 (Α΄ 22), (b) ship-brokers, shipping agents, tourist agents involved in the charter agreement as per case b of par. 5 of Article 3 of L. 4256/2014 and Joint Ministerial Decision No. 3133.1/10229/2016/4.2.2016 (Β΄ 364), and (c) the charterers, i.e. natural or legal persons.
c) The provisions of the present include claims due to cancelled services or sightseeing voyages and/or prohibition of passenger movement on coastal shipping and international or tourist services in the period between 25 February 2020 and 31 October 2020
d) The provisions of the present shall necessarily be applicable to other contracts as well, in which the parties have agreed that not only the Greek but also a foreign legislation shall be in effect as long as the relevant rights are provided for by the EU legislation.
Ticket Loss
In case of passenger or vehicle ticket loss, a new ticket should be purchased. As long as the passengers the loss in writing, including the date of the trip, the itinerary, the number of both the lost and the new ticket, and as long as the Partnership investigates its archives and makes sure that the lost ticket has not been used and has not been replaced within six (6) months after the scheduled date of the trip, the passenger is entitled to a new ticket of equal value.
Underage Passengers
The Consortium does not allow young passengers under the age of 15 to travel without a parent or guardian. The Consortium is entitled to check the identity of underage passengers in any case where it deems it necessary to verify their age.
Underage passengers between 15 and 18 years old who are not accompanied by a parent or guardian is only allowed on condition that the Consortium is handed over the completed relevant form and a Solemn Declaration of both parents or guardian/s, authenticated by a competent authority or by gov.gr, stating that they consent to the transportation of the underage passenger/s on the vessels of the Consortium, acknowledge that the Consortium, the Captain or the crew of the vessel are not responsible in any way and do not assume the supervision of the underage passenger/s, and that the parents or guardians assume all responsibility for anything that may happen to the underage passenger/s during the voyage and/or for any damage caused by the underage passenger/s to third parties or to the vessel, thus leaving the Consortium harmless.
The responsibility for the timely completion and authentication of the Solemn Declaration, the relevant form of the Consortium, the identification documents and the required accompanying documents as well as for their submission rests exclusively with the parents or guardians of the underage passenger/s. The Consortium is not responsible under any circumstances for any refusal of boarding by the port authorities or the competent officers of the vessel due to insufficiency of the above documents and/or certificates.
The relevant forms and declarations are available at the local port offices of the Consortium (click here)
According to the legislation L.4830/2021/Government Gazette Issue A 169/18.09.21 "New framework for the welfare of pets, "Argos" Programme and other provisions”, passengers wishing to travel on the Patras Sami Ithaca & Ithaca Sami Patras line, having with them pets, assistance or therapy animals, should issue a ticket for the animal.
The necessary information for the animal’s ticket is:
• Passport Number or Health Booklet Number
• Animal marking number
• Animal category (pets, therapy animals, assistance animals)
• Animal size: divided into small animals of less than 10 kg and large animals equal to or greater than 10 kg.
Passengers-Accompanying persons should have with them the animal's health booklet. Each passenger can accompany up to 4 animals that belong to them.
In particular:
• Pets up to 10 kg are transported with a carrier (animal purse, cage, kennel) and remain in the area where their owner is.
• Pets over 10 kg are required to use the ship’s special cages.
- Therapy, assistance and work animals travel with their owner compulsorily with a muzzle and lead
• All animals, regardless of the category in which they belong to, must have a ticket and the necessary accompanying documents (health booklet, ID - chip, passport).
In addition, the passengers / accompanying personsof the pet shall be responsible for their care, safety and hygiene during the journey.
Ships provide a special space for the daily hygiene of pets.
Unaccompanied pets shall not be accepted.
Any damage caused by the animals shall be borne by their companions.
Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships.
We would like to inform you that, in the context of the implementation of circular No 2070.0/28541/2024, dated 16 April 2024, of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, on “Additional measures during the transport of vehicles using alternative fuels (AFVs) on Ro-Ro/Passenger and Ro-Ro/Cargo ships,” and in order to prevent and limit the risk of fire and toxic gas spillage in vehicle transport areas, the following measures will be applied by Levante Ferries:
During loading of AFVs, recording of their type and the location where they are stowed on the ship, and placement by the crew of appropriate signs in a prominent place on the vehicles. For all-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles, checking of battery temperature.
Note to drivers/passengers that they must immediately notify the crew if they receive any indication of an alarm from their vehicle.
In all-electric or plug-in hybrid vehicles, the level to which their batteries are charged shall not exceed 40% of their total capacity.
For vehicles using other alternative fuels, such as LPG or natural gas, their fuel tanks must not be filled to more than 50% of their total capacity. Non-loading of AFVs that have damaged power supply systems, tanks or batteries, if these have not been removed. More specifically, in case of damage where it is unclear whether their batteries are damaged, non-loading and non-transport of vehicles. Responsibility for ensuring that there is no damage to a vehicle’s power supply system, tanks or batteries lies exclusively with the vehicle’s owner.
Loading of AFVs in areas with unobstructed CCTV coverage.
Ensure operation of the artificial ventilation system of the loading area (if it is a closed ro-ro cargo area or special category as defined in Directive 2009/4/EC) during loading/unloading and during the voyage. Preferred loading of vehicles in open spaces, provided such spaces exist and it is practical and feasible.
Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs) include:
a) Hybrid and all-electric vehicles that have batteries.
b) Vehicles that use liquefied and compressed gaseous fuels.
We want to clarify that the additional measures also include unaccompanied vehicles.
Safety on Board
The passengers should:
- conform to the instructions about silence, order, cleanliness and safety of the ship given by
the crew.
- comply with the regulations of the ship as well as with the instructions given by the captain
or the staff of the ship.
- not carry explosive, inflammable, incendiary and generally dangerous materials.
- not throw garbage on board the ship or into the sea.
- leave large luggage or objects in the specials areas so that the corridors of the ship can
remain free to walk.
- not put luggage or objects on the seats.
It should be noted that in high speed passenger ships the passengers are not allowed to remain in the open-air areas of the decks during the trip.
Modification / Return of Ticket
The passengers can modify their tickets as long as there are seats available for the same, or another, trip up to twenty four (24) hours before the scheduled departure of the ship. If the price of the new ticket is lower, the passenger is not entitled to any refund.
Passengers can modify or return their tickets only at the issuer's agency or at the maritime agent of the port, who is specified by the shipping company and is authorized, according to current regulations, to issue passenger and vehicle tickets for the specific ship.
Fare Refund
In case of a total or partial fare refund or compensation, the passenger should deliver the full body or the coupon of the ticket to the shipping company or the issuer of the ticket or to the travel agent specified by the port authorities.
During the trip the passengers can file any complaints to the officer that has been appointed for this reason and, after the end of the trip, to the issuer of the ticket or the Partnership or the port authorities, according to the relevant legislation.
Vehicle Damage on the Ship
The carrier implements a procedure for recording the damage of the vehicle on the Ship and its compensation, which must be followed in every case of reported damage. The procedure involves photographing the vehicle involved, its registration card, chassis number and odometer reading, as well as completing the vehicle damage report form provided for by the law. The carrier may use the above information so as to prepare a relevant technical report in order to compensate, either partially or fully, always at the carrier’s discretion, the owner of the damaged vehicle, or to have the vehicle repaired by a cooperating vehicle workshop. The liability of the carrier is stated in the general conditions of transport.
Passenger rights in case of delay (departure-trip), trip interruption, trip cancellation,failed connection, etc.
Passenger rights in the above cases are described in detail in L. 3709/2008, as amended and in effect.
Invalid Passenger Claims
No claims can be filed with regard to a delay, interruption, cancellation or modification of the itinerary that occurs due to reasons of public order or safety, especially due to adverse weather conditions, implementation of legislation or orders issued by the Competent Authority, and more particularly due to help provided to ships or people in danger or any officially approved modification to the scheduled itineraries that is associated with meeting extraordinary transport needs or public interest needs.
For any explanations about the trip the passengers can call telephone number 210 94 99 400.
Missing Items
In case a passenger loses or finds an object, they are kindly requested to contact the ship's reception during the trip or call telephone number 210 94 99 400 after disembarkation.
Legal Framework, Competent Courts
According to Article 3 of L. 2251/1994, as amended and in effect, articles 3 to 4 of the above lawshall not be in effect in case of contracts on passenger service, with the exception of Article 3d, par. 2, and articles 4c and 4f.
The convention for maritime transport is governed by the Greek Law. Any difference arising from the convention or because of the convention shall be exclusively subject to the courts of Athens.